Leadership Team
Who is the leader of this church? - well Jesus is really and he works through the whole body of believers by His Holy Spirit. We all have different gifts; some are helpers, some are administrators and some are good at hospitality. Some are teachers, some are especially good with young people and some are leaders. No one function is any more important than the other. Although we do have leaders, we take very seriously that from Jesus' point of view a leader is one who serves.
Our Team normally consists of a Minister in Scarborough, Bec our Pastor at Whitby and Diana who is our Outreach Pastor.
We also have Elders, who take care of pastoral care, services amd teaching, and Deacons who keep everything running smoothly.
The Team
Rev. John Gleghorn
Diana Gott
Outreach Pastor
John Games
Anna Welford
Bill Holmes
Janet Wilson
Phillip Gott
Jane Taylor